Or.. How To Explode Your Sales Copy Conversion Rate By 2x, 3x or even 10x... Without Hiring 6 Figure Copywriters, Expensive Copywriting Courses Or Performing 7,469 Split Tests

If you’ve been staying up nights worrying that your sales pages aren’t converting enough... And you’re selling high ticket programs (coaching, retainers, workshops) where you need good fit prospects to take you up on your offers...

Then I have a silver bullet for you...

When you put it into place:

And this can all be done by just changing a button on your sales page.

And you could do it without spending 10,000 hours working on “funnels”, email marketing sequences, advanced Facebook retargeting strategies, split test software or any one of those intimidating new fads that keep popping up.

In fact, the “trick” I’m going to talk about goes way beyond marketing technology. I’d go as far as to call it a psychological tactic that has stood the test of time even before sales copy was ever born.

Skeptical? Read on.

It’s called “framing” and I’d like to teach it to you for free right now so that you can forever change your relationship with your prospects.

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to slip into scarcity mode and want to aggressively close every single prospect that enters your funnel.

We say yes to bad fit clients, blur our personal boundaries, offer unreasonable discounts and repel great clients with our neediness.

After working in the world of marketing for a decade, I identified a pattern that my most successful clients used that set them apart heads and shoulders above the rest. These were the clients that quickly scaled their products and services to 7 figures and beyond and their success looked magical to outsiders.

They shared a common trait: Their clients all had the belief that it was a privilege to be able to work with them.